Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday 1/29/18

Today in class we will be reviewing both content and writing skills.  We will be looking back at the causes of the American Revolution and also working on writing a great body paragraph.  This is an important skill to build for our timed essay writing.  Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Write a 2 chunk paragraph in response to an LEQ writing prompt with the assistance of a pre-designed thesis statement
  1. Writing/Content Review Activity #2
    1. Write a 2 chunk paragraph
    2. Share with Partner
    3. Discuss with class
  2. Turn in Writing Activity
  1. Chapter 23 Quiz on Block Two
  2. 3rd Research Paper due February 12
  3. Outside Reading Project due March 23
  4. APUSH Exam May 11