Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday 8/30/17-8/31/17

Colonial America and Chapter 3 Quiz

Today in class we will be discussing Colonial America!  Afterward we will be taking our Chapter 3 Quiz and also going over proper essay outlining for this course.  Remember that it is important to connect your evidence to your thesis through analysis!  That is the core of argumentation and thus one of the most important skill you can build in addition to thesis writing. 

  1. Demonstrate content knowledge about early America through responding to select response questions and short answer prompts.
  2. Identify and evaluate attributes that describe varying colonial regions
  3. Analyze essay prompts, create thesis statements, and organize an outline in preparation for essay writing
  1. Warm-Up #3
  2. Quick Discuss/Recap: English Colonial Development
  3. Activity: Document Analysis
  4. Closure #3
  5. Chapter 3 Quiz
  6. Practice Essay Outline
  1. Chapter 4 Quiz on Friday
  2. Start researching your Outside Research Paper
    1. Work on Annotated Bibliography due September 11
  3. Last day to switch to Accelerated is September 11

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday/Tuesday 8/28/17-8/29/17

Quick HIPP and Thesis Workshop

Today in class we will be doing some document analysis using the HIPP methodology, and then working on thesis writing.  Thesis writing is one of the most important skills to develop and build for this course because there is a great deal of essay writing and argumentation that we will be doing.  The ability to build and defend an argument is one of the best things you can learn to do in this class! 

  1. Analyze primary source texts through HIPPQ
  2. Understand and create thesis statements aligned with the AP rubric criteria
  3. Break down LEQ prompts and create thesis statements aligned with the AP rubric criteria
  1. Quick HIPP
  2. Warm-Up #2
  3. Skill Building: How to Write a Thesis 
  4. Practice: Prompt and Thesis Breakdown
  5. Closure #2
  1. Chapter 3 Quiz on Wednesday
  2. Chapter 4 Quiz on Friday
  3. Start researching your Outside Research Paper
    1. Work on Annotated Bibliography due September 11
  4. Last day to switch to Accelerated is September 11

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday/Friday 8/24/17-8/25/17

Today in class we will finish any items that we did not get to on Wednesday, and we will also take our Chapter 2 quiz and talk about writing a good thesis!  Good thesis writing is one of the most important skills to develop in this course as the AP Exam rewards strong thesis statements and they will be integral to writing your research papers!

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Demonstrate content knowledge about early America through responding to select response questions and short answer prompts
  2. Understand and create thesis statements aligned with the AP rubric criteria
  1. Finish:
    1. Discuss: Unit 2
    2. Textbook Quest: Unit 2 (15 minutes)
    3. Closure #1
      1. Prompt: Questions
        What questions do you have about the class, readings, or Unit 2?
  2. Chapter 2 Quiz
  3. Warm-Up #2

    1. Prompt: Thesis Statements

      What is your idea of a good thesis statement? 
  4. Skill Building: How to Write a Thesis
  5. Practice: Prompt and Thesis Breakdown
  6. Closure #2
    1. Prompt: Thesis Statements
      Now, having reviewed good thesis writing, what new information have you leaned?
  1. Finish all classwork!
  2. Chapter 3 Quiz on Wednesday/Thursday (next week is a flipped week)!
  3. September 11 last day to designate as Accelerated
  4. September 11 Unit 1-3 Annotated Bibliography Due

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday 8/22/17-8/23/17

Today in class we have our first Unit Test!  After our test we will start unit 2. Unit 2 is much more comprehensive than Unit 1 so we will be spending more time on it.  We will also be discussing the Outside Research Papers today, this is something that you absolutely need to pay attention to as there are important details you need to understand.  

  1. Demonstrate content knowledge of Period 1 through responding to short answer questions
  1. Turn in Unit Pack
  2. Study Skill: Short Answer Writing
  3. Unit 1 Test
  4. Review: Unit 2 Assignment Sheet
  5. Warm-Up #1
    1. Prompt: Demographics (Migration/Settlement and American National Identity)
      How does the makeup of a region (physical and ethnic) impact the society and culture?
  6. Discuss: Unit 2
  7. Textbook Quest: Unit 2

    1. Chapter 2 – Using the section titled Neo-European Colonies and other information from the chapter, contrast the differences between the different European colonists (French, Dutch, English, and Spanish)

      •Chapter 3 – How did England display its control over the American colonies? (think: Navigation Acts and Dominion of New England) How are these examples of mercantilism?

      •Chapter 4 – Answer this question from pg. 139 How did the Seven Years’ War reshape Britain’s empire in North America and affect native peoples?

  8. Closure #1
    1. Prompt: Questions
      What questions do you have about the class, readings, or Unit 2?
  1. Download and Print Unit 2 Assignment Sheet
  2. Study for CH 2 Quiz on Friday!
  3. Finish Classwork