Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday 10/24/17-10/25/17

A few different things going on today. First we will finish our film and then get into our CH 12 quiz.

After that we will transition into our study of the Jackson presidency. I would ask you to access your Ch 10 notes for this activity and possibly add to them!

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Amistad
Chapter 12 Quiz
Warm Up: #6
Quick Research: Jackson Presidency
     Pro Se Court: Jackson, man of the people or tyrant?
     Closure: #5

Homework: Study for Unit 4 Exam (Monday)

Quick Links for Jackson: 

Introductory Tasks
1.Research each of the links below (also available on the blog) and create your stance/questions based on this information.
3.Indian Removal (Primary Source) https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/andrew.htm
2.How does Jackson’s handling of each event reflect his beliefs on presidential power?