Friday, October 13, 2017

Paper writing tips from Mr. Marchetti

So your first Research Paper is due Monday night BEFORE 11:59pm to BOTH Google Classroom AND  Below are some tips and resources for your first attempt at a major research paper.  Please do your best to follow all guidelines!  This paper is worth 200 points and follows a fairly comprehensive rubric that will be difficult to master.   Have a great weekend everybody!  Happy Writing!

  1. Remember that your essay should start from your Annotated Bibliography
    1. There are still a few of you who have not resubmitted your Annotated Bibliographies and gotten approval.  Remember that I WILL NOT accept your Research paper if you did not get your Annotated Bibliography approved.
  2. Make sure that you know all the requirements in the Research Paper Assignment Sheet
    1. Paper must be 1000-1500 words
      1. This DOES NOT include your title page or your bibliography!
    2. Must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs
      1. It may be more than 5 paragraphs
    3. You will NOT be turning in your Annotated Bibliography with your research paper!
      1. Just make sure you have your sources included in your bibliography
    4. Make sure to follow Chicago Style Guidelines
      1. Follow these Tips for a Superior Essay
      2. Follow these Essay Writing Tips
    5. Make sure you include a Bibliography AND at least 5 footnote citations
      1. Footnotes and Bibliography should follow Chicago Style formatting
  3. Start with the Research Paper Template
    1. This will help you properly format your paper
    2. Formatting is an entire section on the rubric
  4. Review the research paper Rubric
    1. There are several sections on this rubric and getting anything above a B requires strong critical thinking and writing skills
    2. Review this rubric extensively before writing and/or submitting your paper
    3. Core categories
      1. Academic Skill & Content Knowledge (40 pts)
        1. You need to demonstrate that you are familiar and comfortable with the content information.  Includes details as well as ability to make connections with historical information
      2. Writing Skill Content & Development (30 pts)
        1. Your thesis is key here as well as your ability to maintain focus on your thesis throughout your paper.
      3. Writing Skill Organization (20 pts)
        1. This is all about organization, having a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.  Also your ability to transition between ideas smoothly and logically.
      4. Writing Skill Conventions & Voice (30 pts)
        1. This is where your mechanics matter.  You need to pay attention to your spelling, grammar, word choices, and sentence structure if you want to do well in this category.
      5. Information Literacy (20 pts)
        1. This one is all about formatting.  Did you follow proper formatting guidelines and make few, if any, errors?  This is ALSO about conducting appropriate research!  Did you find appropriate and credible resources?  Did you properly incorporate and cite them in your paper?
      6. Analysis (40 pts)
        1. This is all about you connecting facts with commentary and analysis.  You need to explain how and why your facts are important AND how and why they prove your thesis.  This is one of the most important categories!
      7. Preparation for Lifelong Learning (20 pts)
        1. This should come in your conclusion!  That is where I am looking for this.  This one is all about your ability to demonstrate that you applied yourself in this assignment.  Make connections to events and/or people in the modern world.  Connect various historical examples to other examples.  Demonstrate that you LEARNED something while doing this assignment!
      8. Total point value = 200 pts
    4. This rubric is tough and you need to understand every component if you wish to give yourself the best chance for success!