Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday/Tuesday 10/16/17-10/17/17

Block 1 – DBQ Practice-The Market Revolution

Today in class we are going to discuss the DBQ Exam!  We will also be practicing a DBQ on the Market Revolution.  Don't forget that your research papers are due tonight!!!  I am looking forward to reading them!   Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Practice DBQ prompts with the use of HIPPO graphic organizers
  1. Discuss: DBQ Rubric
  2. Practice Market Revolution DBQ
  3. Documents
  4. Closure #4
  1. Chapter 11 Quiz on Wednesday
  2. Return Amistad Permission Slip ONLY IF YOU CANNOT see the movie
  3. First Research Paper due TONIGHT!
    1. Before 11:59pm
    2. To BOTH Google Classroom AND