Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday 8/31/18

Happy Rally Day!  

Today in class we will only have time to take our Chapter 4 quiz.  P

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Demonstrate content knowledge about early America through responding to select response questions and short answer prompts
  1. Chapter 4 Quiz
  1. Assemble Unit Packet and finish all classwork
  2. Unit 2 Test on Wednesday
  3. 1st Annotated Bibliography due September 10
  4. Outside Reading Project due December 7

8-31-2018 PPT

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wednesday 8/29/18

Today in class we will be doing our 3rd formal lecture as well as our Chapter 3 quiz.  Time permitting we will also work on outlining an LEQ essay.  These are all important aspects of this course and so we need to be on top of our work! 

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.


  1. Demonstrate content knowledge about early America through responding to select response questions and short answer prompts
  2. Identify and evaluate attributes that describe varying colonial regions
  3. Analyze essay prompts, create thesis statements, and organize an outline in preparation for essay writing
  1. Warm-Up #3
    1. Prompt: English American Colonies
      What do you know?
  2. Lecture #3 - British North American Colonies
    1. A.What social pressures emerged in the English American colonies during the 18th century?
      B.Compare the colonial regions, what important similarities and differences did they have?
      C.What was the significance of salutary neglect and the Albany Congress?
      I.In your Journal answer each question above in at least one two-chunk paragraph.  Make sure to use specific evidence in your responses.
      A.Due with the Unit Packet
  3. Closure #3

    Prompt: Defining Factors

    In three sentences identify one defining factor for each of the colonial regions.  
  4. Chapter 3 Quiz
  5. Practice: Essay Outline
  1. Chapter 4 Quiz on Friday
  2. 1st Annotated Bibliography due September 10
  3. Outside Reading project due December 7

8-29-2018 PPT

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday 8/27/18 (Blue Monday schedule)

Today in class we will be discussing our 2nd formal lecture and then you will have some time to finish the Thesis Workshop.  We will also do some HIPP analysis practice with documents that come from the AP Reading Strands.

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Analyze primary source texts through HIPPQ
  2. Understand and create thesis statements aligned with the AP rubric criteria
  3. Break Down LEQ prompts and Create thesis statements aligned with the AP rubric criteria
  4. Discuss and analyze historical information relating to the early colonies
  1. Quick HIPP
  2. Lecture #2
  3. A.Compare the Spanish economic goals of colonization with those of the Dutch and French. 
    B.Compare the relationships of the Europeans to the Native Americans of the various European groups
    b.French & Dutch
    C.Describe the earliest English settlements.  Pay particular attention to the three colonial regions
    I. Answer each question above in at least one two-chunk paragraph.  Make sure to use specific evidence in your responses.
    A.Due with the Unit Packet
  4. Finish Thesis Workshop (only 2nd period started this)
  1. Chapter 3 Quiz Wednesday
  2. 1st Annotated Bibliography due September 10
  3. Outside Reading Project due December 7

Friday, August 24, 2018

Friday 8/24/18

Today in class we will be covering a few different things.  First we will wrap up anything we didn't get to on Wednesday, second we will be taking our Chapter 2 Quiz, and third we will be talking about how to write and appropriate thesis for historical argumentative writing. 

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.
  1. Demonstrate content knowledge about early America through responding to select response questions and short answer prompts
  2. Understand and create thesis statements aligned with the AP rubric criteria
  1. Finish: (if necessary)
    1. Warm-Up #1
    2. Discuss Unit 2
    3. Closure #1
      1. Prompt: Questions
        What questions do you have about the class, readings, or Unit 2?
  2. Chapter 2 Quiz
  3. Textbook Quest
  4. Warm-Up #2
  5. Skill Building: How to Write a Thesis
  6. Practice: Prompt and Thesis Breakdown
  7. Closure #2 (we will do this on Monday)
  1. Finish all class work
  2. Chapter 3 Quiz on Wednesday

Textbook WebQuest

Chapter 2 – Using the section titled Neo-European Colonies and other information from the chapter, contrast the differences between the different European colonists (French, Dutch, English, and Spanish)
Chapter 3 – How did England display its control over the American colonies? (think: Navigation Acts and Dominion of New England) How are these examples of mercantilism?
Chapter 4 – Answer this question from pg. 139 How did the Seven Years’ War reshape Britain’s empire in North America and affect native peoples?

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday 8/22/18

Today in class we will finish looking at the short answer question from Monday, then take the Unit 1 Test, and finish up with introducing Unit 2.  Unit 2 is where some of the more common elements for each unit will start to kick in, so if any questions arise, please be sure to ask! 

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Demonstrate content knowledge of Period 1 through responding to short answer questions
  1. Turn in Unit Pack
  2. Review Chapter 1 Quiz (If necessary)
  3. Study Skills: Short Answer Writing (if necessary)
  4. Unit 1 Test
  5. Review: Unit 2 Assignment Sheet
  6. Warm-Up #1
  7. Discuss: Unit 2
  8. Textbook Quest: Unit 2
  9. Closure #1
  1. Study for Chapter 2 Quiz on Friday
  2. Finish Classwork

Monday, August 20, 2018

AP Exam Fee Reduction Initiative​

AP Exam Fee Reduction Initiative
SJUSD is asking all families, regardless of income to complete the Free-Reduced Price Meal Application. When families complete the FRPM application, the cost of any Advanced Placement (AP) exam will be reduced to $5, again regardless of income. To be eligible for this program, the application must be submitted by Wednesday, September 19, 2018. The application can be completed online at ​

Monday 8/20/18

This is going to be a pretty tough week so it is important that you do your best to stay on top of all your work and ask any questions as they arise.  

Today in class we are taking our first Chapter Quiz.  This will be a common occurrence in this class so get used to it!  These quizzes are designed to both ensure you are doing your reading as well as practice the style of questions that will be on the AP Exam in May.  

Its a Monday schedule so we will only have time to accomplish the quiz (most likely).  

Below you will find our agenda, homework, and resources for the day.

  1. Develop skills for responding to AP style short answer prompts
  2. Respond to document based multiple choice questions and a short answer question to demonstrate knowledge on Period 1.
  1. Warm-Up #2


  1. Quick Review: Historiography Assignment
  2. Chapter 1 Quiz (20 minute timed)
  3. Review Chapter 1 Quiz (SA Only)
  4. Study Skills: Short Answer Writing
  1. Study for Unit 1 Test (remember that some of Chapter 2 will be on the Unit 1 Test - check out the reading pacing guide)
  2. Print Unit Pack Cover Sheet
    1. Collect all items and staple with the Cover Sheet on Top
      1. Items should be stapled in the order they appear on the Cover Sheet
  3. Print and Bring to Class Unit 2 Assignment Sheet

Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday 8/18/18

  1. Submit Syllabus Signatures
  2. Recap "Why Study History"
  3. Review Unit 1 Assignment Sheet
  4. Warm-Up #1 Prompt: Analyzing History 
    1. Analyze this question/Statement: who writes history, with what agenda in mind, and towards what ends? (Queens College, NY
  5. Skill Building: Note Taking
  6. Lecture #1 - America Before and After Europeans
  7. Closure #1 Prompt: Lesson Recap
     What did you learn/Practice today? Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns?
  1. Complete Historiography Assignment on Google Classroom
  2. Study Chapter 1 and 2 (Colombian Exchange) for quiz on Monday!
  3. 50 States Quiz and Chapter 1/2 Short Answers on Wednesday next week.

Lecture Question 1: 

A.What made the Native American cultures prior to European contact unique?  What cultural similarities and differences existed between regions?

B.What was the significance of the Colombian Exchange?  What long term impacts did it have on the following groups?

a.Native Americans



I.Answer each question above in at least one two-chunk paragraph.  Make sure to use specific evidence in your responses.

A.Due with the Unit Packet

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

8/15/18 Welcome Back

  • Welcome back to school! 

  • Sit anywhere for now, assigned seats will come next week.
  • Grab textbook, head over to book depository
  • Introduction
  • Distribute: Textbooks
  • Review: AP Curriculum and Syllabus

  • Period 2 Google Classroom Code: bpzf2t2
  • Period 4 Google Classroom Code: ybptv9